Saturday, April 2, 2011

how i see things

this is where i's a cage. a nice cage, i guess, as cages go. but it is still a cage.

note the built in 'hedgie-ladder' and lack of a cover. cindy is convinced i am going to be AWOL  one morning...but where would i go? the humans have secured the place like fort nooks...not a cranny... what would be the point? and most importantly, how would i get crickets?

and this is the view from my cage:

that first pic is where i see cindy most. she spends a LOT of time in there!!! i didn't know she had legs for the first month! the second pic shows the big freakish fish house. i'm glad they're way over there! and this one is where my humans watch Monk:

i guess some of my friends in the wild might say i'm a sell-out cuz i am enjoying my life in a cage but i think i've got it pretty good. my  food is delivered to me so i don't have to spend all night trying to catch it. cindy's so cute - she even 'hides' crickets so i have to hunt for them! i play along and pretend i can't smell exactly where they are. i always have a warm place to sleep and cindy insists on keeping me and my home clean.  very annoying.  my home is safe from predators and there's always a human around if i run into trouble (like the time i tipped over my food dish when i was trying to move it and all of my beloved banana was trapped under it. that was awful!). not having to worry about food and shelter frees up a lot of time so i can spend more time doing what i really love: napping.

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