Sunday, May 15, 2011

i am two years old!

i am now two...more or less. this is my third home and no one ever kept track before. this must be a big deal to cindy cuz she's been all soppy and cuddly and was singing some goofy song. yech! if she tries to make me wear a stupid hat i am going to bite her. and i just know i am going to have a bath later...cindy gasped when she saw my feet. a bath...on my unfair is that?

i don't feel older. i feel 'quieter' - if that makes any sense. i feel like i can just wander around and just be me. i don't have to worry about food or water and i can even choose where i sleep during the day (the big bed in the other room is my favorite, even tho' i have a b*tch of a time getting up there). my home never gets that 'lived in' feel cuz cindy always takes the poop out. why...why...why? i like it there. tho' i do like that she keeps my wheel so clean - who wants to run through poopy pee all night?

my life before cindy was not quite as peaceful: i had the same home but it was right beside a TV that was always on. and there were so many people around - all. of. the. time. a big hot, bright light was shining down on me 24 hours a day. i like dark, thank you very much; my eyes get all squinty if it's too bright. and there was nowhere good to hide: the log i was in had a big hole in the top, so even that was too bright. my food was okay but the seeds kept getting stuck in my mouth. there was this little white wheel that tasted awful and made me sooooo thirsty. don't get me started about drinking out of one of those hangy-bottle things. best of all, and i don't know why: my skin doesn't itch any more. i hardly scratch ever.

i think i feel quieter cuz i don't have to spend any time worrying about little stuff, like food, water and shelter, so i can spend time on more important things like finding a good place to burrow or searching for crickets. yes, i have to put up with cindy's constant presence: petting...cuddling...cooing...trying to touch my feet and my ears and my tummy...and baths...always the baths...but the trade-off is fair: not having to worry about a full tummy is payment enough. happy birthday to me.


  1. happy, happy birthday my fellow bed hog! - Henry

  2. Happy Birthday to you Snarf. Always remember, you deserve good things. And you deserve a Happy Happy Birthday too!!!


  3. Thank you for the birthday wishes! Cindy said something about getting a baby brother for my birthday. Whatever THAT is. Hopefully, it's something I can eat!

  4. Lets just say I think you would rather have a nanner.

