Wednesday, March 30, 2011

a little about me

i am a hedgehog.

i am covered in prickly little quills that can do some major damage if i am scared.

i scare very easily.

these two things can make me very hard to love. which is too bad cuz once you get to know me, i can be quite lovable. but you have to get past the pokes. that's why i secretly love cindy (one of my humans). i have hissed, spit, huffed and poked at her...i have tried to bite her for no good reason (she was just trying to help)...when she talks to me i huff...when she tries to touch me i jump...i have made her bleed many times and have given her a nasty rash.

she still loves me.

there's a lesson here, i'm sure.


  1. Somehow I think the lesson is for your human. Miss Bridgette

  2. that's what my human says! she says you have to love it all or none: the prickly...loud... unhappy...painful...annoying. she says this over and over...almost like a bad record...(tho' she's usually talking about my other human when i hear her).
